Inter Miami ‘seduces’ Pizarro

He was set to go to Europe, but Miami is traying to seduce him. Rodolfo Pizarro, player from Monterrey and Mexico’s National Team is about to go to the MLS.

According to different reports, Monterrey has an offer on the table close to 20 million dollars for the player, for him to become the franchise club of the new team of the American league, Inter Miami.

“We made an offer for him to Monterrey and now we’re just waiting for the answer. I think Pizarro is a ‘rockstar’, he’s 25 and that’s good, he’s young”, said Paul McDonough, Inter Miami Sports Director to Diario Récord.

As everyone waits to see if leaves or stays in Rayados, Pizarro was not in the squad for this week’s match, which the northern team lost against Querétaro (1-2). Both his manager Manfredi Caleca and his father met with Monterrey’s owners to discuss the Mexican’s future.

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